

    Hong Kong/New York/London (CNN Business)Global markets are plunging after the implosion of an alliance between OPEC and Russia caused the worst one-day crash in crude prices in nearly 30 years, fueling panic triggered by the escalation of the coronavirus epidemic.


    정확히 사우디와 러시아간의 연합 붕괴로 인해 (정확히는 사우디의 감산 정책에 러시아가 반기를 들었죠)30년만에

    최악의 오일 폭락을 가져왔네요. 이게 코로나 사태에 더큰 악재를 준것으로 보이네요. 


    코로나 사태로 최악의 경제 상황으로 가고 있는 전세계에 더큰 충격을 주고 있네요. 이 상황이 공황으로까지 갈지는 

    좀더 지켜봐야 할것 같습니다. 지금 신호가 안좋아 지고 있네요. 



    The sell-off carried over into Asia Pacific, where Australia's S&P/ASX 200 ended 7.3% lower on Monday, the index's biggest plunge since October 2008. Japan's Nikkei 225 (N225) sank 5.1% and Hong Kong's Hang Seng (HSI) lost 4.2%, while China's Shanghai Composite (SHCOMP) shed 3%.


    일본 닉케이 5.1% 폭락 홍콩 4.2% 상해 지수 3% 폭락했네요 

    The yield on the 10-year Treasury note, meanwhile, fell below 0.5%, hitting record lows. The panic began after Saudi Arabia shocked oil markets by launching a price war. The kingdom is trying to retake global market share after Russia refused Friday to go along with OPEC's efforts to rescue the oil market from a plunge in demand caused by the coronavirus outbreak.


    사우디가 러시아에 행태에 불만을 가지고 가격 전쟁에 나서면서 오늘 하루 30% 이상의 오일 가격 폭락을 유발했네요. 

    코로나 사태로 인해 취약해진 경제를 더욱 위기로 몰고 갈지 모르겠네요


    China's slow recovery
    Dismal data out of China is also painting a gloomy picture for the world's second-largest economy. China's exports fell 17% in the January-to-February period compared to a year before, according to data released over the weekend. Imports fell 4%. The government blamed the declines on the Lunar New Year holiday and the coronavirus outbreak.China also recorded its first trade deficit since its trade war with the United States began two years ago.


    중국역시 이번 코로나 사태로 심각한 타격을 입었네요 약 17% 수출 감소를 겪었네요. 수입은 4% 감소 되었네요. 



    China's factories just had a historically terrible month because of the coronavirus
    "The return to economic normality in China has been very slow since the coronavirus outbreak," wrote Louis Kuijs, head of Asia Economics at Oxford Economics, in a research note, pointing to the poor trade data and last week's surveys of activity in the country's manufacturing and services sector.
    Oxford Economics now expects China's economic growth to contract 2% in the first quarter compared to the prior quarter, though Kuijs wrote that there should be a "robust recovery" through the rest of the year.
    Kuijs wrote that the situation should "turn the corner" soon as people return to work and companies catch up on lost activity. But others pointed to the spread of the coronavirus overseas as a continued cause for concern.
    "China may slowly be returning to work, but manufacturers will now likely be facing an international fall in demand," wrote Jeffrey Halley, senior market analyst for Asia Pacific at Oanda.


    중국 정부의 경기 부양 정책이 시작 될 가능성이 높습니다. 코로나로 인해 취약한 경제를 인위적으로 부양 시킬 가능성이 높습니다. 이러한 정책은 2008년 리먼 사태때 한번 경험한적 있습니다. 

    과연 어떤식으로 흘러갈지 궁금하네요. 분명 위기는 맞습니다. 하지만 우리 옆에는 중국이 있고 이러한 중국의 부양 정책이 우리를 살릴수도 있습니다. 좀더 모니터링 해봐야 할것 같습니다. 



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